Saturday, 26 September 2015

AIBOC Conducts Demonstration at Chennai in Front of Image Auditorium , MRC Nagar, venue for the Loan Mela

AIBOC Conducts Demonstration at Chennai in Front of Image Auditorium , MRC Nagar, venue for the Loan Mela

AIBOC Demonstration at Chennai


Do Not Deprive Bank Officers of Their Holiday

Do Not Politicise Loan Disposal

Provide Adequate Time to Process Loan Applications

AIBOC Conducts Demonstration at Chennai in Front of Image Auditorium , MRC Nagar, venue for the Loan Mela

After prolonged negotiations and strikes the Bank Employees and Officers got into a Bipartite Settlement with IBA providing 2 Saturday Holidays in lieu of working full day on other Saturdays. Unfortunately the Govt which issued the notification is indirectly depriving the Bankers of their holidays. Earlier it was Jandhan, now it is Mudra Loans.

Each Bank Branch has been given a target of minimum 25 loans by the Controllers to be sanctioned within few days. The Bank Branches have been deprived of adequate staff because there was a ban on recruitment for more than 10 years. With inadequate staff processing of loan applications has been a casualty. While the Association, Federation and Confederation as well as the top management agrees that small producers, entrepreneurs and shop keepers who are dependent on informal lending sources have to be provided with adequate bank loans, there should not be dilution of lending norms and KYC norms should not be given a go by. Once processing is not done properly, after few months the individual officers will be charge sheeted. We have had nightmarish experiences of the loan melas organised during the period of Mr. Janardhana Poojari who was the Minister of State for Finance in 1987. The viable alternative is to provide adequate Officers and staff and also provide adequate time for processing the loan applications.

Today 26th September 2015, which is the 4th Saturday of the month, which has been declared as national holiday, the Finance Ministry had issued instructions to the State Level Bankers Committee to organise a loan mela which is attended by Mr. Venkaiah Naidu, Hon’ble Minister of the Govt of India. Within a few days, Bankers were compelled to issue sanction letters to more than 1000 borrowers. Sanctioning such a large number of loans has resulted in dilution of following the systems and procedures of the Banks which eventually will land the Officers sanctioning these loans in trouble. The entire venue and the roads leading to the venue were decorated with party flags of Bharatiya Janatha Party.

Many Bank Officers were compelled by the Management to attend the function and also Branch Managers were compelled to issue sanction letters. The hard earned holidays are being taken away. Hence AIBOC Tamilnadu State Unit organised a massive demonstration in front of the venue which was Image Auditorium, Raja Annamalaipuram. Com. D.T. Franco, State President, AIBOC, Com. Vijayasenan State Secretary, Com. J.D. Sharma Senior Vice President AIBOC, Com. Rajendran General Secretary, Indian Bank Officers Federation, Com. Srinivasan General Secretary, IOB Officers Federation, Com. Chidambara Kumar President All India Private Sector Bank Officers Federation, Com. Gopish General Secretary Lakshmi Vilas Bank Officers Association, Com. A. Krishnan President SBI Officers Association Chennai Com. Jagadeesan Tamilnadu Co-operative Bank Officers Association and around 200 Bank Officers representing various Banks including around 25 lady comrades participated in the demonstration demanding implementation of the Bipartite settlement allowing 2 Saturday holidays, providing adequate time for loan processing and apposing politicisation of loan dispersals.

The national committee of All India Bank Officers Confederation has stated that Officers should not be compelled to work on holidays as they require work life balance.

Yours faithfully,
State President, AIBOC & 
National President, All India State Bank Officers Federation

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