Monday, 21 September 2015

Revised Scheme for reimbursement of hospitalisation expenses

Medical insurance implementation

Which Banks deviated?
What are the deviation?
Whether calling for option from Retirees a deviation?
No clarity.

AIBEA/GS/2015/58                                                                                                           Date. 11-9-2015

Chief Executive,
Indian Banks’ Association

Dear Sir,

Reg: Revised Scheme for reimbursement of hospitalisation expenses

You are aware that in response to our demand for 100% reimbursement of hospitalisation expenses, after a lot of serious deliberations and discussions, a revised scheme has been put in place in the recent 10th Bipartite Settlement dated 25-5-2015.

The details of the Scheme are narrated under Schedule IV of the Settlement.  The Scheme to be worked out between IBA/Banks and Insurance companies are also provided as Appendix I and II.

Besides various details of coverage and entitlements under the scheme, the Scheme provides for coverage of Rs. 3 lacs and Rs. 4 lacs + Rs. 100 as Corporate Buffer which means that claims beyond Rs. 3 lacs and Rs. 4 lacs would be entertained upto and within the Corporate Buffer.

The definition of family is also well defined under the Scheme

Further, the said Scheme shall be extended to employees/officers after their retirement as well as to existing retired employees/officers subject to payment of premium.

While the revised Scheme has not been made effective to the existing employees for which employees are anxiously awaiting, we observe the some of the Banks have issued circulars and communications seeking options from the retired employees/officers to join the Scheme.  Further, various restrictive conditions have been prescribed in these Circulars relating to definition of family, entitlement and coverage of the benefits, etc.

We wish to clarify and make it clear that if there is any attempt on the part of any Bank to deviate from the agreed Scheme as provided in the Settlement, the same would be viewed seriously by us and would result in serious conflict and put the entire scheme in jeopardy.

We believe that nothing is happening behind our back.

Confirmation to this effect is requested.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully


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