Thursday, 29 October 2015

What is going on in SBI Associate Banks?

What is going on in SBI Associate Banks?

AIBEA CIRCULAR No.27/134/2015/45 23-10-2015


Sub: Strike in Associate Banks of State Bank of India

Dear Comrades,

*Imperial Bank vanished long back but imperialism of SBI management surfaces
*Open attack on service conditions of Associate Banks’ employees
*Rise as one man to resist the rampage, thwart the ravage
*AIBEA-SSBEA’s clarion call to defend our right of collective bargaining and hard-won service conditions *48 Hours/ 2 Days Strike in Associate Banks on 1st and 2nd , Dec. 2015
*Strike by AIBEA on 2nd Dec. 2015
*Indefinite Strike in Associate Banks by end of Dec. 2015 followed by indefinite strike in all Banks

**They want mergers – we want De-linking:
**Attack on Collective Bargaining:
**Our service conditions are not for sale:
**Attacks on trade union rights:
**Why deny legitimate demands:
**Compassionate ground appointments – Naked discrimination:
**Do not foist SBI’s Career Progression Policy on Associate Banks:
**Why we do not accept SBI Career Progression Policy ?

• Increase in working hours by one hour ( 39 hours to 45 hours)
• 7 day banking, shift system and round the clock banking
• Outsourcing all manual jobs like sweepers, peons
• Increased passing powers for Clerical staff at par with officers
• Periodical transfers in clerical/substaff cadre every 3 years like officers and posting only rural/semi-urban centers

**SBI is not the owner of Associate Banks:
**Down with SBI imperialism:

OUR DEMANDS: • De-link Associate Banks from SBI • Do not curb trade union right of representation • Vacate attacks on trade union in SBBJ • Extend compassionate appointment scheme as per Government guidelines. • Increase quantum of staff housing loan. • Recruitment of sub staff and part time employees • Resolve pending demands • Do not impose SBI service condition and career progression in Associate Banks

In principle everyone will support this strike action.

During 10th Bi-partite struggle, in a crucial time 4 days strike and indefinite strike thereafter are cancelled. It is only because of hesitance of AIBEA.

But, this time why AIBEA is so vigorous in this strike when the issue is related to only 5 banks.Also the entire employees in different banks belong to AIBEA are trapped into this strike.
At the same time why AIBOC union in these banks are keeping silent?

Why a joint struggle not arranged? 

Reason behind these agitations may be for the following reasons:

1. When State Bank of Sourashtra and State Bank of Indore were merged with State Bank of India , a large junk of employees belong to AIBEA switch over to NCBE in state Bank of India after merger.

Now AIBEA is a minority union in SBI. Bank Management is not giving any respect to AIBEA leaders there.

If all the Associate Banks are merged to SBI then the strength of AIBEA will be considerablyreduced. All the employees will not stand with AIBEA after merger, then again NCBE will be the majority Union in SBI. Generally employees tend to join majority union only.Hence total strength of AIBEA in all banks put together will be at stake.

2. In one of the recent agitation in a SBI associate Bank (SBBJ), the Management didn’t allowelected leaders to participate in the negotiations, as they were not in service.
(Though legally they are eligible to be Office Bearer of the Union)
(Whether Com. C.H. Venkatachalam also in the list?)

They categorically said they want to negotiate with in service employee leaders only.
(AIBEA circular dt. 22.06.2015 reads …..

Trade union right denied in violation of law of the land : On trade unions’ legal right of representation, though there are clear provisions in the Indian Trade Unions Act, though there are judgments of the High Court/Supreme Court, though there are communications from the Finance Ministry to the SBI management, they were adamant and persisted with their illegal stand to deny the right of representation to duly elected leaders. )

As the management was firm in their stand AIBEA withdraws Strike announce earlier, and decided to take up the matter with Govt., of India.

Let the employees in SBI and Associate Banks come forward and explain the real story.
If the above reasons are not true I will rewrite the post. 


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