During the Conciliation Proceedings detailed discussions was held on following points.
1.Representatives of AIBOC made out a case against the Govt. Policies of denial of Capital in PSBs, Recruitment of Private Entrepreneurs as Chiefs of PSBSs, FDI in Banking Industries and privatisation of public Sector Banks starting with IDBI Bank and also the agenda of the Govt. to change the Labour Laws.
Though the issues were taken note of by IBA, they expressed that the issues raised pertains to policy decision to be taken by the Govt., and IBA is not in a position to comment on it. Moreover, IDBI is not part of the wage settlement.
2.On the issue of rectification of anomaly with regard to additional stagnation increments, on the advice of Dy. CLCC, IBA assured that they have seized of the matter and it will be placed before HR Committee next month.
On the issues of disciplinary matters and all other pending issues IBA agreed to discuss the issues by IBA Officials with AIBOC within a month’s time to find amicable solution.
On the issues covered in the Record Note by the AIBOC the process of calculation of cost has already been started and it will take another 3 to 4 months to take a view on the issues.
3. On the issue of advisory to be sent to member Banks that Officers should not be called on Sundays and Holidays, IBA reiterated their stand given in written reply dated 03.12.2015. However, on the advice of DY. CLCC and considering the sentiments of the confederation, it was agreed that the appropriately worded communication will be sent to the member banks that the calling of officers in case of emergence circumstances is purely an administrative decision of the Bank for which appropriate compensation can be considered by them.
4. On the issue of Medical Insurance Scheme on the advice of the DY. CLCC, Mumbai IBA assured that the matter of domiciliary treatment to retirees shall be strongly taken up with the United India Assurance Company to extend the benefits as agreed initially. IBA also agreed that with extension of Medical Insurance Scheme for serving employees, the existing Bank level facilities outside the purview of Joint Note could be continued by the Banks.
5. On the issue of performance based incentive and ESOP, IBA reiterated its stand in the written reply dated 3.12.2015. However, AIBOC insisted that any incentive paid out of profit will have to be paid to all employees and ESOP if issued should be given to all employees and not to selected few.
6. The IBA was asked by the Dy. Chief Labour Commissioner (Central), Mumbai to collect detailed report from Dhan Laxmi Bank within 15 days and bring it before the DY. CLC©, Mumbai for taking a view on the matter.
7. On the issue of NPS IBA reiterated that this a closed issue from their side. However, AIBOC also maintained their stand that nothing is static, particularly in view of the changing policies of the Govt. which are putting the superannuation benefits of Employees in jeopardy.
8. On the issue of appointment of officers and Workmen Directors, IBA was asked by the DY.CLCC, to take up the issue with the Govt. to consider the demand of AIBOC of filling up these vacancies immediately.
9. On the demand of implementation of pension in RRBs, it was directed that since, the RRBs salary revision and service conditions does not come under the purview of IBA the issue may be taken up with appropriate authorities viz. NABARD /Govt. of India.
10. AIBOC insisted that they are strongly opposed to the proposed amendment to Trade Union Laws which will push lot of labourers out of the coverage of labour legislations, increase of permissible overtime hours, restrictions on right to strike the work will weaken the Trade Union Movement and freedom of protest, restrict the freedom to form Association and reduce social security etc. IBA submitted that they are not able to comment on the issue as these will be the policy decision of the Govt. The issue of uniform pay and allowances in the Banking sector, IBA replied that this is a new demand which needs lot of deliberations.
11. AIBOC insisted that the Dy. CLCC, should direct the IBA to sent its demand of improved pension of 50% of the last drawn pay without any ceiling to the Govt. With its positive recommendations. However, IBA submitted that as the matter pertains to State Bank of India, the decision / recommendations regarding improvement in the pension is to be taken by SBI.
After protracted discussions before the DY. CLCC, Mumbai and also appeal made by IBA and in view of the positive assurances given above, and the inconveniences caused to the general public due to strike and also due to natural calamities in Tamil Nadu the Confederation should reconsider its notice of strike.
In view of the positive assurance of the IBA and with the intervention of the Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (Central), Mumbai, AIBOC agreed to call off the strike with immediate effect.
Matter adjourned and next date will be informed in due course after hearing /receiving the progress on the issues as mentioned above
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