Tuesday, 26 January 2016



Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT) is a premier Institution focused exclusively on Banking Technology. Established by Reserve Bank of India, the Institute works at the intersection of Banking and Technology, focusing on research and development which is useful for the Indian Banking and Financial Sector.
The Indian Banking and Financial Sector is banking on technology to deliver efficient and effective customer service, reduce cost and improve profitability, to reach out to the unbanked, and implement their growth strategy. Therefore, there is a large and urgent demand for talented people with expertise in technology and its management. This demand is set to further increase with new banks and payment banks coming up shortly.

In order to meet this demand, the Institute announces the launch of the Post Graduate Diploma in Banking Technology (PGDBT), commencing from July 2016. This Post Graduate Diploma in Banking Technology is a unique programme designed to provide the Indian Banking and Financial Sector, on a regular basis, a pool of talented professionals with technology expertise to strongly support their technology deployment initiatives. The PGDBTians would also be a good fit for IT companies working in the Banking and Financial Services domain.

The PGDBT is a full-time regular one year programme that will provide essential learning inputs on technology implementation, integration and management to both directly selected candidates as well as practicing bankers so as to enable them to meet the changing technology requirements of the Banking and Financial Sector.

The programme focuses on present technologies as well as emerging technologies that can contribute to the growth of banks. The PGDBT aims to produce techno-savvy professionals, who would use the latest and best technologies, to fuel growth and make the Indian Banking and Financial Sector techno-efficient.
Intensive, in-depth exposure to the varied facets of Banking Technology
In-depth understanding of various ways of applying technology for improved productivity in the Indian Banking and Financial Sector

  • Exposure to hands-on Practical Learning and exclusive Case Studies on Technology Implementation in various banks in India and abroad
  • A rigorous regimen which would enable students to stand apart in project planning and implementation in technology-related areas
  • Technical and managerial mastery over the entire gamut of Banking Technology covering Networks and Components, Application Software, Information Security, IS Audit, Digital Certificates, Electronic Commerce, Payment Systems, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Business Intelligence and CRM, Technologies for Marketing, Technology Management, IT Planning and Project Management, IT Laws and Cyber Crimes, etc.
  • There is a strong demand for techno-savvy leaders in the Banking Sector as well as in the IT companies which work in the Banking and Financial Services domain. The PGDBT addresses precisely this need 
  • PGDBT will create well-groomed, talented executives for tomorrow who are well-versed with Technology and its management for Banking and Financial Services Industry (BFSI)
  • Hassle-free Accession Planning by identifying potential leaders every year and grooming them through the PGDBT.
The PGDBT banks on a highly interactive method of learning. Apart from lectures and seminars, the programme would depend heavily on hands-on practical learning in various state-of-the-art centres of the Institute. The centres of the Institute are Centre of Excellence in Analytics, Centre for Mobile Banking, Centre for Cyber Security, Centre for Open Source Systems and Centre for Virtualization and Cloud Computing. There would be case studies to ensure effective transfer of knowledge through sharpened analytical skills and induced innovative thought processes.
The one year programme is structured into four terms of three months each. While each of the first three terms consists of seven courses carrying 20 credits each, the final term is devoted to project work at a bank or financial institution, to familiarize the student with the real environment and challenges in Banking Technology at work
The Post Graduate Diploma in Banking Technology (PGDBT) is open to both the Direct Candidates and Sponsored Candidates from Banks and Financial Institutions and the eligibility criteria for the PGDBT is as under:
Direct Candidates 
A candidate must hold a first class (minimum of 60% marks) Bachelor's Degree in Engineering OR a first class Master's Degree in any subject with a minimum of 10+2+4 years of formal education. Candidates who are in the final year are also eligible to apply provided they complete the formal education as specified above latest by June 30, 2016. All direct candidates need to possess a valid Common Admission Test (CAT) score at the time of submission of application form.

The Institute would shortlist the candidates for Group Discussion and Personal Interview (GDPI) based on their CAT scores. Thereafter, the actual selection for admission would be based on the scores of the candidates in the GDPI.

Sponsored Candidates from Banks and Financial Institutions
Banks and Financial Institutions can sponsor their employees for the Post Graduate Diploma in Banking Technology (PGDBT). The sponsored candidates too must hold a first class (minimum of 60% marks) Bachelor's Degree in Engineering OR a first class Master's Degree in any subject with a minimum of 10+2+4 years of formal education. However, sponsored candidates need not have CAT scores. 
Sponsored candidates need to participate in GDPI and the selection for admission would be based on the scores of the candidates in the GDPI.
Sponsoring Banks and Financial Institutions may please note that the PGDBT is a full-time programme and accordingly, sponsored candidates would need to be relieved from their duties during the entire duration of the programme, i.e., one year.
All educational qualifications must have been obtained from recognized universities / institutions in India or abroad. If grades are awarded instead of marks, candidates should clearly indicate their numerical equivalent.
PGDBT course is offered as a four-term course. The duration of each term is 3 months with a total credit value of 26. Each term consists of 6 courses of equal weightage i.e. 4 credits. In addition, the term will have a comprehensive viva of 2 credits. The final term is devoted to a project (12 credits) to be done at one of the financial institutions/banks under the guidance of an external guide from the financial institutions/ banks and a faculty member of IDRBT. The student is required to submit a detailed project report and make a presentation. The project will be evaluated based on the innovation, effort, report and presentation. The evaluation will be done by a committee of IDRBT faculty and external members from banks, member organizations and financial institutions.
Candidates, on successful completion of all the Courses, including project work, will be awarded the Post Graduate Diploma in Banking Technology. These Diplomas will be awarded during the Annual Function/Convocation at IDRBT.
The fee for the programme, per candidate, is Rs. 5,00,000 plus applicable taxes. The fee covers teaching, course material and shared-accommodation costs at the Institute's Quarters in Begumpet, Hyderabad. The fee is to be paid in three equal installments at the start of first three terms.
Candidates also need to pay a caution deposit of Rs. 30,000/-, which may be returned after successful completion of the course and submission of no-dues certificate. Students may avail the Institute's cafeteria facility by paying the additional applicable charges to the caterer directly.
As this programme is specifically designed to meet the demands of the Banking & Financial Sector and the IT companies working in this area, successful students are likely to be placed in banks, financial institutions and IT companies serving the Indian Banking and Financial Sector. On successful placement, the students are likely to see a continuous and healthy career​ growth. The Institute would facilitate placement for the PGDBT students by inviting the prospective employers to the Institute.
Candidates interested in pursuing the Post Graduate Programme in Banking Technology Management should apply online at www.idrbt.ac.in with a registration fee of Rs. 2000/-, which may be paid through NEFT to the following account:
Account Details
Name: Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology
Name of the Bank: Axis Bank
Address of the Branch: Mehdipatnam Ring Road branch, 
13-6-431/D/82/4, AM Arcade, 
Hyderabad – 500028, Telangana
IFSC Code: UTIB0000426
Account Number: 426010100022288
Launch of Online Application Process : January 11, 2016
Last Date for Submission of Application : March 31, 2016
Group Discussions and Personal Interview : May, 2016
Declaration of Results : June, 2016
The Coordinator (PGDBT)
Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology,
Castle Hills, Road No. 1, Masab Tank,
Hyderabad - 500 057, India.
EPABX: +91 - 40 - 2329 4000/4999
Fax: +91 - 40 - 23535157
Email: pgdbt@idrbt.ac.in

Source :http://www.idrbt.ac.in/pgdbt.html

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