Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Protest Day of AIBRF at Azad Maiden on 10.02.2016

Protest Day of AIBRF at Azad Maiden on 10.02.2016

Ref N0 2015/318 21.01.2016

The Chairman
Indian Bank Association (IBA)

Dear Sir
 Re: Request for Appointment to submit memorandum
 Re: Protest Day of AIBRF at Azad Maiden on 10.02.2016

We wish to invite your attention on the fact that while submitting memorandum on retiree issues to then Chairman, IBA on 25.05.2015 after observing Protest Day at Azad Maiden in Mumbai, we were assured by the Chief Executive that issues raised in the memorandum would be looked into and AIBRF representative would be called for discussion shortly.

2. We have waited for last 8 months for getting appointment from IBAoffice. But till today there is no response from your side. During this period we had written 2/ 3 reminders to this in the matter. But they have also remained un-replied.

3. We are also not aware as to what action has been taken by IBA on pending issues listed in the Record Note dated 25.05.2015 on which IBA committed to take action on them.

4. In view of this attitude of IBA towards our organisation and on pending issues of retirees, AIBRF has taken decision to organise Protest Day at Azad Maiden Mumbai on 10th February, 2016 from10.30 onwards. We expect retirees of our 44 affiliates to participate in this programme.
5. Delegation of AIBRF representatives would like to meet the Chairman/ Chief Executive Officer in your office between 1.00 to 2.00 PM on this date and submit memorandum lodging our protest and requesting IBA to appraise us the action taken on the pending issues of the retirees listed in the Record Note.
6. During the meeting, we would also like to discuss many problems our members are facing in settlement of insurance claims under IBA group insurance policy of UIICL in particular of refusal of reimbursement of domiciliary expenses by TPAs as per the provisions of the scheme. We find that while formulating the scheme and IBA taking responsibility to implement it, no set up has been created for consultation/ feedback with
the retirees and/ or retiree organisation. In the absence of this, our members are facing several problems/ difficulties. You will appreciate that retirees who are our members approach us with only and not unions for their problems. Therefore it will be in the fitness that you create proper setup for periodical consultation with the retiree organisations to ensure smooth implementation of the scheme.

 With Regards,
 Yours Sincerely,


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