Thursday, 28 January 2016

‎Provident Fund ‬Account‬ handling made simpler

‎Provident Fund ‬Account‬ handling made simpler

With Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation shifting to electronic mode of payment and employers making remittances through internet banking, the time taken for calculation of PF dues and remittances has been reduced, leading to the cancellation of concession of five days grace period, officials said.

Speaking to reporters on Monday, Regional PF Commissioner-II and officer in-charge Tambaram ‪#‎EPFO‬ Regional Office, S. Murugavel said that with effect from January 1, digital signatures have been made mandatory for all employers.

“Universal Account Number is the latest initiative which is a unique 12-digit number to all subscribers of the fund which can be utilised to view their account passbook, file requests for transfer of PF accumulations from their previous accounts to present accounts,” he said.

“Employees whose details like ‪#‎Aadhaar‬ number and bank account number have been seeded in their ‪#‎UAN‬ may submit claims in Form 19, Form-10C and Form 31 directly to the respective provident fund commissioners without attestation of their employers for fast settlement of claims,” he said.

He also added that a mobile app is available that can be downloaded from the EPFO website - (or) Google playstore with which the members can activate their UAN accounts

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