Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Deputation to Chairman, IBA on our current issue regarding violation of bipartite Settlement in Associate Banks and imposition of unilateral service conditions

Deputation to Chairman, IBA on our current issue regarding violation of bipartite Settlement in Associate Banks and imposition of unilateral service conditions

CIRCULAR LETTER No. 27/174/2016/7                                                                          13th February, 2016

Dear Comrades,

Reg: Deputation to Chairman, IBA on our current issue regarding violation of bipartite Settlement in Associate Banks and imposition of unilateral service conditions

Further to the successful strike on 8th January, 2016, we had informed our units about the decision of our Office Bearers’ meeting to pursue the issues and demands in order to arrive at a negotiated settlement on our demands and backed up by further agitational programmes.  It was decided in the meeting that AIBEA should meet the Chairman of Indian Banks’ Association in a deputation as well as meeting the CMD/MD/CEOs of all the Banks in order to apprise them of our serious issues involved and the likelihood of further struggles if the issues are not resolved amicably.

Accordingly, AIBEA met the Chairman of IBA, Shri. Ashwani Kumar (CMD, Dena Bank) in his office in Mumbai on 9th February, 2016.  AIBEA was represented by Com. C H Venkatachalam, General Secretary, Com. N Venugopal, Vice president and General Secretary of SSBEA, Com. Lalita Joshi, Joint Secretary and Com. Nandu Chavan, Joint Secretary, besides local representatives of our units in Associate Banks in Mumbai.

We handed over a memorandum to him and submitted to him that bilateralism is a time-tested relationship established in the banking sector in the last 50 years not only at the industry level but in the various individual banks as well which today is sought to be meddled with by the managements of Associate Banks at the behest of State Bank of India. We explained the background of the recent 10th Bipartite Settlement in which issues of not only the workman but of the management too were taken up and a mutually accepted settlement has been arrived at, after which it is unfair and illegal to deviate from the same or violate the same either from the side of the managements or from the side of the unions.

We conveyed our strong protest to him about the manner in which the Associate Banks have gone ahead with the implementation of the Career progression Scheme which contain service conditions that are in conflict the agreed provisions of bipartite settlement.  We pointed out that such violations and deviations would result in serious conflicts and disputes and would totally vitiate and disturb the present harmony in industrial relations.

We further submitted to him that if the IBA or any Bank management desire any issues to be taken up for improvement, the right course would be to talk to the unions concerned and seek a solution and not in the way the Associate Banks have indulged in.  We also conveyed to him the issue of further empowerment of duties of workmen employees was a demand both from the unions’ side as well as from the IBA and hence we shall be open for discussion on the issue if the managements so want it even at this stage.  But persisting with the unilateral approach and not adhering to the Settlement would be unfair to collective bargaining and undermine the same.

Chairman’s response:  Shri Ashwani Kumar, Chairman of IBA, received our delegation cordially and listened to our submissions carefully besides receiving our memorandum.   Reiterating the IBA’s basic standpoint and commitment to bilateralism and mutual discussions to resolve the issues and demands, he informed us that our views and suggestions would be taken up for deliberation in their Managing Committee meeting and his endeavour would be to resolve any issue amicably by mutual discussions having regard to needs and contentions of either side.  He also requested us to provide him further informations and inputs on the issues involved in the imbroglio.

While thanking him for meeting our delegation and receiving our memorandum, we requested him to move in the matter expeditiously.

Copy of our Memorandum to IBA Chairman is furnished herein for the information of our units.

With greetings,

Yours Comradely,

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