Sunday, 7 February 2016

Discussions held between IBA and AIBOC regarding residual issues of the 10th Bipartite Settlement

Discussions held between IBA and AIBOC regarding residual issues of the 10th Bipartite Settlement

Discussions were held between IBA and AIBOC regarding residual issues of the 10th Bipartite Settlement and other issues raised before Dy CLC(C) on 08.12.2016.  AIBOC has issued circular regarding the meeting with IBA. The relevant paras to the retirees are repoduced below.

Issues covered in the Record Note on pension : We informed IBA that our demand with regard to Pension Scheme include three issues viz. (a) 100% neutralization of DA to all pre-November, 2002 retirees (b) revision in the rates of family pension (c) Upgradation of pension and demanded that IBA need to take early steps to settle those issues. IBA informed that as informed earlier they are in the process of calculation of cost by the Actuaries and they have called for certain data from all the Banks. They further informed that they have received the said data from most of the banks and that once the data is received from the remaining banks, they would calculate the additional cost and will have a view on the issues.

IBA’s Medical Insurance Scheme : We brought to the notice of the IBA that the retirees are yet to be extended the reimbursement of domiciliary treatment expenses as agreed in the 10th bipartite settlement and again in the conciliation meeting held on 08.12.2015. We also brought to their notice various types of complaints received from the retirees with regard to the cashless hospitalization facility and delayed/non-settlement of hospitalization claims by the TPAs / Insurance Company. IBA informed that they are committed to provide domiciliary treatment facility under their Insurance Scheme to the retirees and that for this purpose they had a meeting with the Insurance Company on 15.01.2016, wherein, they have made it clear to the Insurance Company that they have to extend the domiciliary treatment facility to the retirees. They further informed us that the Insurance Company has agreed to extend the deadline for retirees to opt for their Insurance Scheme upto 31.03.2016. As regards complaints of the members against the Insurance Scheme and TPAs regarding cashless hospitalization facility and settlement of hospitalization/ domiciliary treatment expenses, they have advised to submit the list of such cases to them to take up with the Insurance Company. 

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