Thursday, 17 March 2016

CASA campaign launched by the Bank from 15.02.2016 till 30.04.2016

CASA campaign launched by the Bank from 15.02.2016 till 30.04.2016

Ref.: Com/EC/ 16 /2015-18 

March 14, 2016

All Office Bearers, EC Members & Units

Sub: CASA campaign launched by the Bank from 15.02.2016 till 30.04.2016

We reproduce hereunder the full text of our letter No. Mg/ 28 /2015-18 dated March 14, 2016 addressed to the General Manager, Strategic Planning & GAD on the above subject for information of all concerned.

 S Roy Choudhury
 General Secretary

“We are in receipt of your letter no. HO/SP-RL/2015-16/72 dated March 7, 2016 on the above subject along with Bank’s Circular No.CHO/SUA/24/2015-16 dated 12.02.2016 as enclosed with your letter under reference.

We have gone through the contents of your letter as well as Bank’s circular dated 12.02.2016. We are deeply concerned to note that as on date the progress is not as per the targets set for weekly  CASA growth inspite of whole-hearted efforts taken by the Bank.

In this connection, you may note that most of the Unions/Associations in the Bank are always genuinely concerned about the well-being of the Bank. In recent past, during the tenure of Shri Arun Kaul, our former CMD, being confronted with the basic issues and observing management reluctance to carry the unions along the path of growth and create an environment of motivation, dedication among the employees, four unions viz. AIBEA, BEFI, INTUC and our Federation  consciously decided not to participate in the Apex level Performance Review Meeting on 10th April,2015 which had been called ritually without any concrete future roadmap or projections.

We would like to recall the discussions we had during the deliberations in the Apex Level Performance Review Committee meeting held on 19th January, 2016. In the said meeting, besides many other suggestions, we the unions and associations laid emphasis on the following. 

• Sensitizing the work force to the prevalent situation in the Bank, consequent to sharp decline in the current deposits of Iran related accounts and the need for replenishing the gap,

• In order to sensitize the work-force, there can be cluster meetings in different centres so as to use such gatherings effectively both by the field level executives and union functionaries to motivate the people for taking extra-ordinary efforts towards strengthening the CASA deposits,

• To unleash a country vide campaign observing CASA fortnight.

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