Monday, 23 May 2016

Flaws in pension payment

Flaws in pension payment

I am a State service pensioner drawing pension through the State Bank of India, Nadakkavu branch, Kozhikode, for the last 16 years. When I approached the bank on May 2 to draw pension, I was told that it was yet to be credited to my account. And, when it did land in the account, there was error in the amount credited. It is known that the payment of pension through banks has been disrupted after the introduction of centralised pension payment system from May. There was an option of drawing pension through banks or the Treasury, but this has been taken over completely by the Treasury. Though pension for May was received through banks, the calculation in many cases was wrong. The error in my account was rectified by the District Treasury Officer, after the issue was taken up with him, as directed by the Treasury Directorate in Thiruvananthapuram.

Source:The Hindu

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