Monday, 8 August 2016

A Signature Campaign is to be launched on August 9 -AIBEA,AIBOA

 A Signature Campaign is to be launched on August 9 -AIBEA,AIBOA 

With the State Bank of India going ahead with measures for merger with the State Bank of Travancore, the employees of the latter, under the banner of State Sector Bank Employees Association (SSBEA), have decided to intensify their stir against the move.

A signature campaign, involving 50 lakh people, is to be launched on August 9, the Quit India Day, with the support of two other organisations in the banking sector — All India Bank Employees Association (AIBEA) and All India Bank Officers Association (AIBOA).

The employees are unleashing a campaign against the merger move, beginning from the panchayat level. Dharnas and a relay hunger strike will be organised in New Delhi next month. Rallies to Raj Bhavans are to be held in October in all the five States where the State banks are slated for merger. A massive march is to be taken out to Parliament in November. The organisation may call for a strike anytime, according to SSBEA representatives.

The issue is to be brought to the attention of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha, K.S. Krishna, general secretary, SSBEA, told The Hindu . The employees’ representatives will also meet the Chief Ministers of the respective States. The Kerala Assembly has already passed a resolution against the proposed merger of the SBT with SBI.

The ‘scheme of acquisition’ would be discussed at the respective director boards of the banks shortly, banking sources said. The authorities would want the acquisition to be completed by March next year.

But the employees are likely to approach court praying for a full stop to the government decision. In Kerala, the total number of branches of the merged entity (in the event of a merger) will be less than the total number of the SBI and SBT now.

“At present, the SBI has over 460 branches while the SBT has more than 850 branches in the State. The ‘overlapping’ branches will be cut down. About 30 per cent of the branches are to be shut down. This will be of much help to private banks which are in keen competition with the SBT in Kerala,” Mr. Krishna said.

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