Sunday, 13 November 2016

Submission of Life Certificate by bank pensioners / family pensioners

Submission of Life Certificate by bank pensioners / family pensioners

Bank pensioners / family pensioners are required to submit life certificates in the month of November every year. As a precondition for payment of pension to the eligible staff pensioners and family members of retired expired staff (including pre 01.01.1986 retirees / spouses who are receiving ex gratia payment ) are required to submit life  certificate and remarriage / employment certificate, which needs to be authenticated by the concerned bank branch where pension payment is made. In case the life certificate is not submitted bank can stop pension payment till the submission of life certificate. 

In some banks, mere presence of Pensioner before bank official of pension drawing /other branch is enough to certify/record  his/her existence and such banks  are giving Acknowledgement of life  certificate to respective pensioners.In few other Banks, pensioner has to sign on Life certificate to prove their very existence. 

Some of the banks have issued circular regarding digital life certificate. Digital Life Certificate submission involves biometric authentication by the pensioner from remote point and creation of life certificate maintained in digital repository .  Govt of India has launched Jeevan Pramman portal for life certificate in digital format. Adhar card number of the pensioner is prerequisite  for digital life certificate.

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