Sunday, 15 January 2017



GS&D is tasked primarily with fixing Rate Contracts (RC) for common user items required by various Government organizations through an online e-procurement portal. Presently, it is being managed by two organized Group ‘A’ Services namely Indian Supply Service and Indian Inspection Service. DGS&D Rate Contracts are used by Central Government Ministries / Departments, PSUs and State Governments. Based on recommendations of Group of Secretaries made to Hon’ble Prime Minister, Government has decided that DGS&D will create a one stop Government e-Marketplace (GeM) to facilitate on line procurement of common use Goods & Services required by various Government Departments / Organizations / PSUs. GeM will enhance transparency, efficiency and speed in public procurement. It will also provide the tools of e-bidding and reverse e-auction as well as demand aggregation to facilitate the government users to achieve the best value for the money. DGS&D is taking appropriate actions to align the existing rules to cater to GeM including swift payment to Suppliers / Sellers after successful delivery of Goods & Services. The Proof of Concept (POC) is being developed by DGS&D in association with NeGD (DeitY) for some Goods / Services namely Desktop Computers, Laptops, UPS, Air Conditioners and hiring of transport services. The POC for GeM will be opened for Central Government Departments and CPSUs located in Delhi / NCR. Depending on the experience, more Goods & Services will be offered and also will be extended to other parts of the country. After comprehensive study through a consultant followed by engaging a Managed Service Provider (MSP), a full-fledged version of GeM is likely to be positioned by March, 2017 by DGS&D. The purchases through GeM by Government users have been also authorized by Ministry of Finance by adding a new Rule No. 141-A in the General Financial Rules, 2005. The existing DGS&D RC items can also be utilized by the user Departments as per their choice. DGS&D shall continue to expand its items as a parallel arrangement so that the users have the best options all the time.


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