Thursday, 2 February 2017

Strengthening of PAN quoting mechanism in the TCS regime

Strengthening of PAN quoting mechanism in the TCS regime

Statuary provisions for deduction of tax at source (TDS) at higher rate of 20% or the applicable rate whichever is higher) in case of non-quoting of Permanent Account Number (PAN) is provided under section 206AA of the Act and it exist since April, 2010.
PAN acts as a common thread for linking the information in the departmental data base. It may also be noted that the process of allotment of PAN is made simple and robust. PAN application can be made online and PAN gets allotted in less than a week.
In order to strengthen the PAN mechanism, it is proposed to insert new section 206CC to provide the following:
I. any person paying any sum or amount, on which tax is collectable at source under Chapter XVII BB (hereafter referred
to as collectee) shall furnish his Permanent Account Number to the person responsible for collecting such tax (hereafter referred to as collector), failing which tax shall be collected at the twice the rate mentioned in the relevant section under Chapter XVII BB or at the rate of five per cent. whichever is higher.
II. that the declaration filed under sub section (1A) of section 206C shall not be valid unless the person filing the declarationfurnishes his Permanent Account Number in such declaration.
III. that in case any declaration becomes invalid under sub-section (2), the collector shall collect the tax at source in  accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1).
IV. no certificate under sub section (9) of section 206C shall be granted unless it contains the Permanent Account Numberof the applicant.
V. the collector knows about the correct PAN of the collectee it is also proposed to provide for mandatory quoting of PAN of the collectee by both the collector and the collectee in all correspondence, bills and vouchers exchanged between them.
VI. that the collectee shall furnish his Permanent Account Number to the collector who shall indicate the same in all its correspondence, bills, vouchers and other documents which are sent to collectee.
VII. where the Permanent Account Number provided by the collectee is invalid or it does not belong to the collectee, then it shall be deemed that Permanent Account Number has not been furnished to the collector. 
VIII. to exempt the non-resident who does not have permanent establishment in India from the provisions of this proposed section 206CC of the Act.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2017.
[Clause 72]

Source:Indian Budget 2017

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