(Registered under the Trade Unions Act
1926, Registration No: 727/MDS)
State Bank
Buildings, St. Mark’s Road, Bangalore – 560
NO.104 DATE: 12.10.2017
JAIPUR ON 1.10.2017
The 2nd General Body
Meeting of the State Bank of India Officers' Association, Jaipur Circle was
convened at 10.30 a.m. on 01.10.2017 at Deep Samriti Auditorium, Tagore
International School, Jaipur.
2.The Deep Samriti Auditorium was jam packed with the
enthusiastic members of SBIOA Jaipur Circle to be part of their historic 2nd
General Body meeting after the recently held Triennial Election 2017-2020.
3.Chief Guest of the
meeting was Shri. Vijuy Ronjan, Chief General Manager, State Bank of India,
Jaipur Circle and Com. D T Franco Rajendra Dev, President, AISBOF & General
Secretary, AIBOC was the Guest of Honor. Com. Harshavardhan Madabhushi, Advisor
- AIBOC & Sr. Vice President, AISBOF was the special invitee with Com.
Sanjeev Mishra, General Secretary, SBIOA - Bhopal Circle, Com. Sushil Ahuja,
President (SBIOA - Delhi Circle). Com. Sunil Dutt Bali the Former General
Secretary of SBIOA Jaipur Circle and Former President of ABOA who retired from
Bank’s service on 30.9.2017 was also among special invitees.
4.After the floral welcome of the guests, the inaugural session
commenced with lighting of lamp by the Chief Guest Shri. Vijuy Ronjan, Com.
D.T.Franco Rajendra Dev, Com. Harshvardhan Madabhushi, and Com. S.D. Bali, Com.
Sanjeev Mishra, Com. Sushil Ahuja and other dignitaries on the dais including
Com. Ramavtar Singh Jakhar - President & Com. Vinay Kumar Bhalla – General
Secretary - SBIOA Jaipur Circle.
5.Thereafter Com. Sanjeev Mishra, General
Secretary, SBIOA, Bhopal Circle and Com. Sushil Ahuja President, SBIOA, Delhi
Com. Jainkrishan, Secretary General,
SBIOA - Kerala Circle andCom. Umakant Tiwari the Federation EC member from Bhopal Circle were
felicitated. SBIOA Jaipur Circle took the initiative to felicitate the veteran
leaders of the ABOA who have led the foundation of the Association strong in
the past. The senior leaders Com. B. L Rathore, the former General Secretary
ABOA Unit SBBJ, Shri. J.N. Sharma- Chairman of ABOA Unit SBBJ, Com. R.K Shah-
Former President and General Secretary of ABOA Unit SBBJ and Com. Rajesh Bhargava-
President of ABOA Unit SBBJ were felicitated by Com. D.T.Franco Rajender Dev,
General Secretary, AIBOC, Com. Ramavtar Singh Jakhar, and Vinay Kumar Bhalla,
President and General Secretary of SBIOA, Jaipur Circle respectively.
6.Com. Ramavtar Singh Jakhar President,
SBIOA Jaipur Circle welcomed the guests and the gathering in a traditional way.
In his address he raised several issues of member’s interest such as calling of
officers on Holiday/Sunday, Accidental Insurance Policy for members. He also
appealed the member’s to work whole heartedly for the Bank and raise the flag
of the Circle high among other circles.
7.Com. Vinay Kumar Bhalla, General Secretary
of SBIOA Jaipur Circle then addressed the gathering and touched upon issues
pertaining to the need for cohesive working conditions for officer’s in the
state of Rajasthan so that, officers can deliver their 100%, he also requested
the CGM to kindly look into the issues and wherever required the necessary
steps be taken to improve the working conditions. He also impressed upon the
membership to now leave behind the difference of officers of Associate Banks
& SBI as after merger we all are now officers of SBI and now it is our
bounded duty to work together for the growth of the Bank. With the merger of
Associate Banks with SBI we are only & only one SBI family.
8.He also spoke about Com. Sunil Dutt Bali
the former President, ABOA and former General Secretary SBIOA Jaipur Circle who
retired from Bank Service on 30/09/2017. He told the house about his
contribution to the Association for which he will be remembered for long period
and his name will always be there when the history of the Association is
written. Com. Bali was a mature leader and under his leadership the Association
has grown very strong year after year and is considered a vibrant Association.
9.Shri. Vijuy Ronjan, Chief General Manager
addressed the gathering and informed the house regarding recently conducted
survey by an international agency which has rated the SBI as the top three
places to work with apart from Google and BHEL. He thanked the entire officer’s
community in the circle for the smooth transition after merger and gave full
credit to all. He then advised the house that he also do not believe in working
on Holiday/Sunday as it impacts the work life balance. He impressed upon the
officers to ensure that they should complete the work during the working days
only to avoid the work during holidays.
10.He also announced that the Circle has
decided to start the Non Public Working day on every 1st, 3rd
and 5th Wednesday of the month for single officer branches on
selected days to complete the work and ease the pressure of work. He also
thanked the newly elected Team under the leadership of Com. Jakhar and Com.
Bhalla and assured that the circle will grow with the joint efforts.
11.Com. D.T. Franco Rajender Dev while delivering his keynote
address covered almost all the aspects of banking industry. He said that this
is the historic day as after very long time a new circle association which was
created on 1.4.2017 with merger of Associate Banks with SBI and their Triennial
elections process was just completed and this is our youngest SBIOA among all
circles. He then congratulated the new President Com. Jakhar and General Secretary
Com. Vinay Bhalla and assured to extend all support to strengthen the new
circle association in all its endeavors. He also congratulated all the members
of new team. He then touched upon the save Public Sector campaign, salary
revision progress, 5 day week, Service Charges, CDS, Prosper and working on
Sunday/Holidays. He also impressed upon the need to involve the young officers
in the Association activities so that the young officers are also groomed to
take forward the Association activities. He also discussed the successful
conduct of youth convention in Kolkata held in August 2017. While deliberating
on the salary revision he assured the house that unless the IBA agrees to
discuss the salary revision for officer’s upto Scale VII the UFBU will not go forward.
Thereafter, Com. Harsavardhan Madabhushi, Advisor - AIBOC and Sr. Vice
President, AISBOF gave his address. He especially spoke about Com. Sunil Dutt
Bali the Former President- ABOA and Former General Secretary SBIOA - Jaipur
Circle who retired from Bank Service on 30/9/2017. He told the house about his
contribution to the officer’s fraternity, he was not only leader of ABOA but
his contribution to SBIOA - Jaipur Circle, AIBOC and AISBOF is unforgettable.
He has given lot many good things to the officers of e-Associate Banks through
his negotiation skills in various bipartite meetings with the Management. He
said that Com. Bali is a cool, calm and a hard negotiator and possess all the
qualities a human being.
12.In the afternoon there was a business
session following agenda was discussed:
a) To read and confirm the minutes
of the previous General Body Meeting held on 10/06/2017;
b) Passing of resolutions if any
install the newly elected Office Bearers and other elected members to various
post of the Executive Committee,
transact such other business as may be brought forward with the permission of
the Chair.
13.Com. Bhalla read the minutes of the 1st
General Body Meeting dated 10/6/2017 and the same was approved by the General Body.
Thereafter Com. Bhalla presented the Resolutions with a request to adopt them.
Resolutions were moved and passed unanimously calling for:
5 Days week in the Banking Industry
Timely Salary Revision
For recruitment of adequate staff
No working on Sunday/Holiday in any
For recruitment of Sports persons
Self-lease facility for officers
For appointment of Officer-Director on
the Bank’s Board.
14.Com. Ramavtar Singh Jakhar, newly elected
President proposed the vote of thanks.
15.We congratulate and compliment Com.Ramavtar
Singh Jakhar, President and Com. Vinay Kumar Bhalla, General Secretary, SBIOA
(Jaipur Circle) and the large number of volunteers for arranging a historic
General Body of SBIOA (Jaipur Circle).
With greetings,
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