Monday, 4 April 2016


  • To get pension from State Bank of India, the retiring employee has to start the process at least 6 months prior to retirement.
  • In the process the employee has to open account with any branch of State Bank of India, if required with spouse (which is permitted now) and has to provide the account number to the Department from which he/she retires.
  • He/she has to fill up the account details in the pension papers. While opening account the retiree has to give his/her PAN number, mobile number and email_id (if available).PAN No. will enable correct accounting of the Pensioner's TDS.
  • On receiving the PPO the prospective pensioner has to approach the branch where from the pension is to be availed. He/she has to submit undertaking and Life Certificate. On receiving the required documents from the prospective pensioner, the documents will be sent to concern CPPC for further processing at their end. After completion of data entry at CPPC, pension shall be credited to the identified account within a period of 3-4 days.
  • In November month every year the pensioner is required to submit his/ her life certificate to enable the Bank to pay pension continuously.

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